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Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness

  Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October.  It is a gentle reminder to be procative with your individual wellness.  Over 31 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  The journey to wellness followed as I was lucky to integrate what I love to do...
Fashion West

Fashion West

Fashion West Fashion West is a newly developed and well curated fashion show featuring designers from the West.  Often one thinks of Fashion in the West as purely western style.  Think cowboy boots, hats, bandanas and other such traditional things.  Additionally...
Modern Jackets for Women

Modern Jackets for Women

Modern Bomber Jackets for Women I am inspired by Modern Jackets for Women. Often times I am inspired by the fabric.  When I see something special I grab it up knowing that I will discover a perfect design to compliment the fabric. This neoprene fabric that I found in...
Covid Restrictions

Covid Restrictions

Covid Restrictions Wondering about Covid Restrictions especially in the state in which you live?  As we approach another season during Covid 2021 and if you are anything like me you are ready to interact with your community. Parties and events that were canceled last...