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My work from home studio

My work from home studio is a bedroom converted into a work space.  Nothing fancy, just my tools to complete smaller projects.  Some of you have asked for behind the scenes photos so I decided to honor your requests.  As you can see from the photos I have alot of sun peering in and I surround myself with favorite art pieces hanging on the wall. This corner of the room has my seerge machine ready to sew masks that I am currently working on.  I sew these masks everyday, only 6-12 at a time.  My back can’t handle much more of that.  When I need a rest all I have to do is look up and see my friends art work on the wall.  On the right is a quilt by Lea McComas and on the left  is a 3 dimensional piece by Michele Brower.

Finished masks for the day   

My work from home  studio has great light.  Sometimes I have to shut the shades because of it!  I have alot of cubby holes that keep my supplies at bay.

Here is the current dress design that I’m working on.  Unfortunately I only had 2 yards to work with so I had to improvise and figure out a way to make it as long as possible.  There are no seams in the body of the dress, just the side seams so I was able to use the selvage to incorporate only one pocket, and an extended hem.  This will be a one-of-a-kind piece that I will add to my collection for early fall.  I’ve also found a new app that removes the background so you can really see just the dress.  I’m always experimenting!

As you can see from this photo I also have lots of inspirational photos surrounding my space.

Here is the extended hem piece.  I am taking a draping class so I’ve experimented with draping instead of patternmaking for this particular design. My work from home area only allows for a small table.  My table is on rollers, so I can move it around when needed.  It’s very useful that way.

The dress above is in it’s raw form, below is the completed piece.  Notice how I utilize the raw selvage, something I always try to do even though it takes extra time.  It’s worth the details for me.  I’ve also found a new app that removes the background so you can really see just the dress.  I’m always experimenting!

As I wander through the challenges of our daily processes I am hopeful that a post like this is something you are interested in.  I never really know unless I hear from you.  Please comment below so I know that you are listening.  We all need to listen and learn during this work from home time frame.  It may go on alot longer than we imagined.

Stay home, stay safe and thank you for following me.