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fashion internship with brooks ltd denver designer

Internship in the world of fashion is a much needed area to be explored. I have been lucky enough to teach several students the back-side of my clothing design business.

My latest intern was a high school student at Evergreen High School, named Hannah. She approached me at a perfect time, since I was preparing for my semi-annual trunk show and she was preparing a capstone collection for her senior project. As they say, timing is everything!

In preparation for the show, I had several pieces that were going to be set for production. Hannah helped me transfer paper patterns into hard copies.

fashion internship with brooks ltd denver designer

fashion internship with brooks ltd denver designer

Hannah also assisted me with adding detailed items to my hand-painted shirts, which was a huge help!

fashion internship with brooks ltd denver designer

Not only was Hannah interested in the ins and outs of my fashion business, but she was also a perfect model to showcase my garments for my new online shop! She understands the aesthetic I’m going for. We had her wear jeans with the tops, and we were suddenly off and running to showcase the new collection online!

fashion internship with brooks ltd denver designer

fashion internship with brooks ltd denver designer

I even had her spin as I recorded a video to be used for my social media handles! See the video below:

I also thought it was very timely that the Denver Art Museum’s fashion illustration show was going on during her internship! Hannah joined me and a friend one afternoon touring the show of Jim Howard, a contemporary colleague of mine where we share a lot of common interests. It was truly awe-inspiring to see his work on display at the museum, and Hannah was one lucky girl to be able to see the show!

fashion illustrations denver co

fashion illustrations denver co

At the end of Hannah’s 15-hour internship, I was invited to preview the senior capstone collections at her school. I loved being able to chat with the students about their futures and seeing how important creating capstone collections are in our local high schools.

evergreen high school senior capstone showcase

evergreen high school senior capstone showcase

Hannah was truly a delight to educate in the world of fashion. I trust that she will pursue the career of her dreams, and I am hopeful that fashion will fit into her career choice someday and that I had some influence on her choice of direction.

Good luck, Hannah!

fashion internship with brooks ltd denver designer

Internships are time consuming, but I absolutely enjoy giving back to potential people interested in the field. Since it is a one-on-one situation, I am only able to take a limited number of students each year. If I can help with a career choice, it makes me feel like I am doing my job in the world of fashion. Oh, and we also know how to have a good time while we’re at it!

denver fashion internship with brooks ltd