by Brooks | Jul 20, 2020 | Lifestyles
Back-yard entertaining during covid It’s summertime and it seems like entertaining during covid is good thing to do, with the current restrictions in place of social distancing and few people. My lovely yard is large enough where social distancing would be...
by Brooks | Jul 7, 2020 | Fashion Trends, Lifestyles
Fashion and Relevancy Fashion and relevancy during the pandemic is self healing. Even in times of chaos, dressing can give us joy. Afterall isn’t that one reason to dress up? As a fashion designer this quote from VOGUE resonates with me…… “We...
by Brooks | Feb 3, 2020 | Lifestyles, Uncategorized
As my Brooks LTD label has evolved over the years, I’ve found that collaborating with other artists and designers in the Denver community has been a great way to stretch myself creatively. It helps to have a fresh perspective on something you’ve been...
by Brooks | Dec 2, 2019 | Lifestyles, Uncategorized
This December I celebrate my 30th year of being cancer-free! In some ways it’s hard to believe that much time has passed, as the memories still feel vivid and palpable. But as Thanksgiving was just upon us, I can’t help but feel grateful for life, and for this huge...
by Brooks | Mar 11, 2019 | Design, Lifestyles
One of the things I love most about fashion is how one fun and beautiful fabric can be used in a variety of women’s wardrobes. Over the last 40 years, I have experimented with several different clothing categories to brand my company with, from bridal gowns and...
by Brooks | May 1, 2018 | Lifestyles, Trunk Shows
Twice a year, Brooks LTD invites several like-minded vendors to participate in a fashion trunk show at our atelier in lower downtown Denver. And our next one is right around the corner on May 4th-May 5th 2018! This event will feature LipBar Custom Cosmetics, Jewelry...
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