The Character in Worn Threads

The Character in Worn Threads

The Character in Worn Threads: The Art and Ethics of Clothing Repair This photo shows my husband’s hoodie of Character in Worn threads. Teaching myself how to embroider a heart, titled “Be Still My Heart,” with my dog looking on curiously. Memories...
Wearable art that is timeless

Wearable art that is timeless

A collaboration of Wearable Art that is timeless Enjoy go-to unique pieces when you open your closet doors. Collaborating Collaborating wearable art is inspiring, eye-opening, and fun. Lately, fun has taken the top spot on my list. Let me introduce you to Madeleine...
Barbie Shapes Imagination

Barbie Shapes Imagination

Barbie shapes imaginations of all ages.  She had an affect on many by defining lifestyle choices, curiosity, and imagination.  From her glamorous gowns to trendy sunglasses, I realized that Barbie’s influence extended beyond just clothing. She embodied a certain...
Mending Matters

Mending Matters

Mending cherished textiles in the form of clothing, shawls, and sweaters has been at the forefront of the fashion and textile industry for some time. It extends the life of the garment and supports a less wasteful existence. By working with your hands, the process of...
Eco Friendly Fashion

Eco Friendly Fashion

Eco-Friendly Fashion “Eco-Friendly” fashion  is no longer a term only associated with laundry detergents and household cleaners. We’re in an era of conscious consuming where buyers are regularly seeking out brands in all areas that value and promote sustainability and...